Posted on September 9, 2024 | by in Eat Right

The biggest game of the year is a time to gather family and friends for an evening of fun, football and an irresistible menu of game-day eats! Enjoy the buzz of the game guilt-free with these winning tips:

Tailgate Trade Ups

Use mashed white beans as a replacement for dips that call for sour cream or mayonnaise – they offer a similar taste and consistency but are packed with fiber and essential nutrients.

Greek yogurt is another ideal alternative to add creaminess to dips. It provides higher protein levels than ordinary yogurt, contains digestion-friendly probiotics and can help lower blood pressure.

Skip frying and instead, prepare baked foods such as zucchini fries, sweet potato skins or wings for healthy twists on game-day classics.

Try a nutritious take on nachos by baking homemade tortilla chips with whole-wheat pita wedges. Top with wholesome ingredients
like avocado, black beans, onions, tomatoes, cucumber and feta cheese.

Portion Control Tips

Eat a nutritious snack right before the game to help curb your hunger. Try snacks high in protein and fiber such as nuts, edamame or a whole-wheat pita with lean meat and veggies.

To feel more full without consuming as many calories, choose healthy items first such as fruits and veggies. Use an entrée-sized plate for nutritious foods and small plates for less healthy items.

Keep yourself feeling full throughout the meal by drinking plenty of water.

Eat slowly and savor each bite to give your body time to feel satiated and satisfied.

Share your sweet treats with someone else to split the portion.