Healthy Cooking Methods
Healthy eating begins by selecting healthy ingredients. But you also need to be mindful of how the items are cooked. For instance, mushrooms on their own have a variety of health benefits, but eating deep-fried mushrooms is far different than eating those that have been sautéed. Here are some cooking techniques that will allow the natural taste of fresh ingredients to come through while using only a minimum amount of
fat or salt.
Popular in Asian cuisine, stir-frying is an excellent, healthy cooking method when a meal needs to be prepared quickly. While stir-frying is usually done in a wok, a wide, shallow pan will also work just fine. When stir-frying, only a small amount of oil or seasoned sauce is necessary. Stir-fries are a go-to cooking method for health-minded folks because of the technique’s versatility. Uniformly cut vegetables, skinless chicken breast, tofu, fish and lean meat can be used to make an endless variety of stir-fries.
Anything but boring, steaming is a nutritious and delicious way of preparing foods. Steaming is typically done in a perforated basket that is held over a pot of boiling water for a set amount of time. Flavor can be added by placing fresh herbs and spices in the water or directly on top of the food. Vegetables, fish and shellfish lend themselves beautifully to steaming.
This simple but delicious healthy cooking method can be done by gently simmering ingredients in a pan of water until the food is tender and cooked through. Bouillon, broth or juice is often used in place of water to infuse additional flavor into foods. Poaching works well for skinless chicken breast, salmon, white fish, eggs and some fruits and vegetables.
Relying on direct oven heat, roasting gives food a sweet and caramelized taste with little fat. Practically any vegetable can be roasted, as can whole chickens and lean cuts of meat. The ingredients are generally placed in a roasting pan or on a baking sheet with an assortment of herbs and a small amount of good-quality oil.
Broiling uses high heat, allowing foods to cook in a short period of time. It is an ideal low fat way of cooking meat, as the fat simply “drips away.” The overhead heat source cooks the outside surface of foods quickly, so thicker pieces of meat, vegetables or seafood may need to be sliced thinner or placed further from the heat source for even cooking.
Grilling is a great option for cooking foods using a minimal amount of fat. The heat of the grill browns the outside of the food, sealing in rich flavors, while fat drips off the food, similar to broiling. With the ability to grill either over direct or indirect heat, almost any food can be grilled including lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish, tofu, vegetables and fruits. Get creative with your grilling skills utilizing skewers, grill-top baskets and foil-packets.